On Constitution Day, Rashtriya Raksha University’s Puducherry campus marked the occasion with a series of engaging and insightful events to honor the significance of the Indian Constitution. The celebration began with Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan, a Master’s student, who led a thoughtful explanation of the Preamble, highlighting its core values and principles. Following this, Dr. Shabin conducted a brief yet impactful session on the Constitution of India, delving into its historical context and the vital role it plays in shaping the country's governance and legal framework.
The day’s activities also included a lively quiz competition, organized by the students, which saw 10 teams from across the campus participate. The quiz was a fun-filled and interactive way to engage students while testing their knowledge of the Constitution and general Indian polity. The competition concluded with the first-year students emerging as the winners and runners-up, adding an element of healthy competition to the celebrations.
In the second session, students from the Corporate Security program led a thought-provoking case study discussion, reflecting on the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. The session was designed as a brainstorming exercise, where students explored various aspects of the tragic event, including security lapses, lessons learned, and the evolving landscape of national security. The discussion also touched on the rapid growth of the security industry in India, which has seen a surge in demand for professionals in response to increasing global and domestic security challenges. Overall, the Constitution Day observance at RRU Puducherry campus was not only a tribute to the foundational document of India but also a platform for meaningful conversations on security, governance, and the nation’s journey toward strengthening its constitutional values.
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