On November 19, 2024, students at RRU Puducherry Campus celebrated International Men's Day with a thoughtful event organized by first-year Bachelor's students of Criminology and Police Science, organised by female students. The day was filled with discussions, interactive games, and a guest talk that emphasized the importance of responsibility, equality, and personal growth. The brainstorming session began with a thoughtful discussion on the challenges men face in society, the expectations placed upon them, and the evolving roles they play in modern times. The atmosphere then shifted to fun and excitement with games and interactive activities that encouraged teamwork, communication, and mutual respect. The guest talk, delivered by an expert in gender studies and social responsibility, emphasized the importance of challenging outdated gender norms and stereotypes that often hinder personal growth and emotional expression in men. It was a powerful reminder that being responsible is not only about fulfilling societal roles but also about nurturing a healthy, balanced approach to life.
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