On December 6th, 2024, Rashtriya Raksha University’s Puducherry Campus hosted an engaging lecture cum Fireside chat series by Mr. Alagendra Prabu Balakrishnan, a seasoned security professional with 17 years of experience. The lecture, focused on corporate security with an emphasis on physical security, marked Mr. Alagendra Prabu Balakrishnan’s second visit to the university, following a previous online session on supply chain security. The session began with an introduction by the Campus Director, Mr. Arsh G. The resource person shared valuable insights into security operations, surveillance, asset management, and investigations, drawing on his vast professional experience, including roles at Jaguar Security Services, G4S, Amazon, and HP. The session concluded with an interactive Q&A, where students gained clarity on various topics, and Mr. Prabu shared practical advice and industry knowledge. The session was greatly appreciated, offering a deeper understanding of the challenges and importance of physical security in today’s dynamic environments. The university looks forward to more such enriching engagements with industry experts like Mr. Alagendra Prabu Balakrishnan.